I’m John Centofanti

Finished 1 Full Marathon (26.2 miles or 42k) and 2 Half Marathons (13.1 miles or 21k)

This John Centofanti.

About me

The creative side of business is my passion.

I’m a marketing strategist and founder of Creative Stream Marketing, serving Technology and B2B clients. I thought I was right-brained until a life-changing boss and mentor helped me discover the left side of my brain.

My Creative Stream Team and I have partnered with over 100 companies across the US, ranging from startups to established companies over $60 M in revenue. We’ve served both strategically and tactically, providing brand development and digital marketing services to increase response to clients’ businesses. Today our work is in marketing strategy, branding, content writing, graphic design, web design and more.

Facts alone never drive growth. Creativity isn’t just for design. Creativity is key to strong branding and an effective marketing strategy. It propels your business forward.

…Not any of these men named John Centofanti

People who meet me often say I have an uncommon name. I grew up in Youngstown, OH*, where my name is not so uncommon. In fact, there are many people with my name. I’m related to at least one, but many others who share my name are from Youngstown and around the US. One is the same age as me.

About them

Reach out to me

* Youngstown Ohio Is:

  • Halfway between Cleveland and Pittsburgh.
  • Halfway between New York City and Chicago.